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Did you know 60 percent of content marketing experts take site traffic as a measure of their success, and about 40 percent of them hold the opinion that seo toronto ranking of content marketing is important?

Consider the following tips:

Add the keywords in the URLs

This is a crucial content marketing strategy. Your content should have keywords in the title and body of content. Nevertheless, for better rankings, place your keywords in your URLs as well. You will need to ensure your website ranks well. Insert an anchor text that describes your content briefly. Make your URL relevant to the users and Google bots.

Make sure your web design Toronto expert designs a friendly website

There about 3.6 billion mobile users. It would not be good if a mobile user visits your site and find it hard to navigate. According to, the total number of searches on cell phones has witnessed a 43 percent increase every year. In addition, the Google’s algorithms ranked highly mobile-friendly websites on search engine results page.

Quality content is key

Google has done some significant changes in its algorithms to deal with content cloaking that was earlier perceived as black hat practice to boost rankings. Today, marketers do not have any option than to come up with high-quality content marketing strategy to help their sites rank higher on search engine result pages. The Google bots analyze the relevancy of content when crawling through different pages.

Use SEO Toronto keywords

Perhaps you already know how to use keywords in your title and body of content. You must use keywords in your articles and blogs because they are not only relevant to your company, but they are also effective to boost your ranking on search engine results page.

How to Boost Your Site Ranking Using Content Marketing

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